Are you and your family coming to Destin Beach for your next vacation? We at Holiday Isle can tell you about some beach activities that are family-friendly. When staying with us in one of our Destin Beach vacation Rentals, you will be close to where the fun can happen. Let’s look below at some of the beach activities that are family-friendly.
Scavenger Hunt

Destin Beach is a wonderful place where you and your family can do a scavenger hunt together. Before leaving your vacation rental for the day, you will want to take a piece of paper and put together a list that the family can look for. Then it will be time to head to the beach and hunt for your treasure. The kids can look for different color shells, something blue, sea glass, driftwood and more. One the map, have a list of the items that they can find and mark them off as you find them. This is a fun activity to do and something that everyone in the family will love doing!
Look at that Sandcastle
One thing that many families have done in the past is build a sandcastle. But just because you aren’t a kid anymore, doesn’t mean that you as the parent have to stop building one. This is a great activity that anyone in the family can do while you are on vacation and is good for all ages. To help build their sandcastles you are going to make sure that everyone has a bucket, shovel and shells to build their dream sandcastle. Take a family picture of everyone’s castle and frame it when you get back home to remember that great day you had on your vacation.
Soccer Time

Playing soccer on the beach is one of the best games you can play as a family. Make sure that you bring a soccer ball with you on your vacation so that you can see who the best team is. Either split up into teams or kick the ball back and forth for a while just to get in some exercise. No matter who wins the game or who can play the longest, everyone in the family are winners!
Beach Ball Bounce
Another great game that the whole family can get in on, is beach ball bounce. You can play this game by having two players on each side while they are holding a beach towel. Then use the beach towel as your “racket” to catch and toss the beach ball back and forth to the other team. What a great way to get your exercise because we can promise you that the ball won’t go the way you want it to get each time. Just have fun and learn to work together on this activity!
I Spy
Have you ever played “I Spy” with the kids in the car on a long car ride? This is just like the game that is played in the car but instead the kids are looking for items that are often found on the beach. Make a small list that you know will be easy to spot on the beach and let each kid participate. Some examples could be a kite, seagull, dolphin or color of a beach umbrella. No need to worry about a winner because everyone is a winner with this game!
There are several other activities that can be played on the beach, but these are just a few we wanted to share with you. If you haven’t booked your next family vacation to Destin Beach, now is the time to. School will be back soon, and we hope that you and your family can enjoy your vacation before the busy season begins.